
Covershot: Is anybody there? Giving Conversational Commerce a voice

Trust, convenience and ease of use will be key to enabling the full potential of voice-assisted conversational commerce, Mastercard explains in a new paper which is now available to download from the NFC World Knowledge Centre[1].

“Partnership is also essential as it’s the wider ecosystem that can make or break a platform,” Mastercard adds. “Brands and retailers must work in tandem to integrate new products and services, which are underpinned by security, to create an environment that fosters trust in voice as a channel.”

‘Is anybody there? Giving Conversational Commerce a voice’ examines the current status and future potential of voice-activated commerce, asking whether voice technology is ready for prime time, how it can be used to create better conversations between consumers and service providers and looking at the key factors that will lead to its successful adoption.

“The rapid growth and innovation of voice technology has real potential to change the way we live and do business — for the better,” says Ann Cairns, vice chairman of Mastercard. “Voice offers a unique opportunity for business to deliver faster, easier and more convenient experiences. But it has to be scaled responsibly. The role of voice technology is to drive a secure, trusted experience that delivers tangible benefit.”

Readers can download the full white paper from the NFC World Knowledge Centre[2].

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