
Published 01 May 2018

Global institutional trading network Liquidnet has announced two new enhancements to its Next Gen Algo suite, an offering of liquidity-seeking and benchmark strategies designed specifically for institutions.

The newest addition to the Liquidnet Virtual High Touch suite: Targeted Invitations from Algos integrates one of Liquidnet’s most popular liquidity-seeking products with its Next Gen Algo suite.

Targeted Invitations allow buy-side traders to intelligently seek out liquidity from other asset managers that they may not be actively trying to trade and that may not be available on any blotter.

Targeted Invitations from Algos helps automate that process and allows an algo order to strategically seek and source liquidity simultaneously.

Targeted Invitations was first launched for equities in November 2015 and is now available to over 670 Member firms globally. Focused on the block, the average execution size globally is $2.4m, and the largest single execution to date is $156m.

Another enhancement to the global algo suite, Block I Would, gives the trader greater control and access to seek out block liquidity. Traders using Liquidnet’s Next Gen Algos can now control the quantity and price to trade a block in Liquidnet and the venues accessed on a conditional basis, irrespective of the trade schedule. Liquidnet’s liquidity-seeking algos are the only ones that fully leverage

Liquidnet’s network of more than 920 global institutions offering over $78bn of global average daily liquidity in one place. In the US, the Liquidnet Dark algo’s average trade size is more than 3X GREATER than the average FINRA reported trade size, for executions in dark venues.

Liquidnet equity strategy global head Rob Laible said: “Our goal is to minimize the amount of time buy-side traders have to spend searching for liquidity.

“With these two enhancements, we’re helping

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