
This guide demonstrates everything you need to know in order to secure your Bitcoin private keys using a Coldcard hardware wallet and its integrated Seed XOR method. With this method, you are able to split your backup seed phrase into multiple parts that look and function like complete 24-word seed phrases of their own. This opens up a range of possibilities and safeguards to protect your bitcoin.

Using a Coldcard hardware wallet with Seed XOR, you can split your backup seed phrase and better protect your bitcoin from accidents and bad actors.
Coldcard with Seed XOR opens up a range of possibilities to protect your bitcoin.

Background On Self Custody And Keeping Bitcoin Safe

Welcome to the wonderful world of self custody, this is where the laws of man and the laws of math collide in a battle over your cryptographically-secured wealth.

There are a number of different reasons that people find themselves here; some[1] realize the risks associated with trusted third-party custodians; others[2] know that authorities have what it takes to take what you have; and a few[3] understand that inflation is taxation without representation and confiscation of wealth without due process of law, propped up by an elaborate scheme between the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve in an attempt to keep the rich in power and everyone else enslaved to debt and perpetual consumption.

For whatever reason you found yourself here, let's dive into securing your bitcoin in a way that offers protection from environmental hazards, confiscation and seizure, that mitigates trust and introduces plausible deniability. You can find further background on Seed XOR here[4].

This guide starts with an initial set up section for new users. If you already have a Coldcard setup, then you can skip straight to“Step Seven: Splitting The Seed Phrase With Seed XOR.”

Step One: Materials

Although there are several hardware

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