
PRESS RELEASE. OccamRazer is a decentralized fundraising vehicle, or launchpad, with a full suite of compliance and RegTech tools as well as feature-rich UX suitable to accommodate a vast variety of fundraising profiles, acting as the key that will unlock the Cardano ecosystems’ liquidity.

As AMM-based vehicles for decentralized fundraising, such as IDOs, are known to be an ill fit due to extreme volatility, front-running, and inability to reflect the intricacies of the fundraising process, Occam.fi introduce a new family of protocols. Continuous and discrete in nature, these protocols would fill this niche and offer smart-contract vehicles designed for various fundraising use-cases, private and public, over- and under-subscribed, fungible and otherwise.

The Occam Association

Occam.fi will never take the short and easy route, and that’s why the OccamRazer is not launching alone. As well as OccamRazer, the Occam.fi ecosystem will be supported by a soon-to-be-launched DEX and credit markets, and a single governance layer governed by a well-thought DAO base.

The Occam ecosystem, and it’s codebase, will be independently audited by leading blockchain security companies. Occam have already committed to an audit through Swiss-based Scalable Solutions, which will be made available shortly, and they will also arrange a number of other audits during major development milestones as required.

This ecosystem will be fueled by OCC, a token that will enable a number of unique mechanics and potent flows of monetizable utility to its holders.

OCC Proposed Token Mechanics and Utility

To support the Occam ecosystem, the OCC token will also be launched. The OCC token will allow access to premium liquidity pools, and the token will also be used for staking. OCC will also allow for continuous ecosystem diversification, allowing the Occam Association to invest

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