
For twelve days straight, American citizens and a number of countries around the world have been protesting the oligarchs and police brutality. The restlessness from the uprising has slowed down some, but continues in various cities across the nation. On June 3, 2020, a reporter from Los Angeles talked to a man about the protests and he said the powers that be are not listening to people, and the best form of protest is to purchase bitcoin.

Henry David Thoreau: ‘That Government Is Best Which Governs Least’

The United States is suffering and what it’s like in 2020, is a far cry from the country’s initial days in 1776. In 2020, the American people have been smashed down and kicked so much, the revolution that took place a few hundred years ago seems to be a lost cause. Americans have lost their will to resist the government’s fraud and manipulation, instead of listening to the great writings of people like Henry David Thoreau. The well known liberty advocate wrote in 1849 that the “government is best which governs least,” and he added, “I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically.” Instead, hundreds of years later the massive government and overbearing politicians have become a systemic infection on the American populace.

Bonus Army, Occupiers, 2020 Uprising: Bitcoin's Peaceful Protest Is Pure Civil Disobedience
Barack Obama’s America.

Unfortunately, people think that if they vote and remove Donald Trump from office, things can heal again. However, nearly every President in my lifetime, for the past 40 years, has been an aggressive war tyrant and they created militant police forces to quell uprisings. Between Bush Sr. and the Clinton era presidencies – 576,000 innocent children died. During the George W. Bush presidency, he orchestrated some of the worst wars in the Middle East

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