
A truly MONUMENTAL shift is underway, as businesses and merchants around the world transition towards a fully digitized economy.

In the United States alone, the payments market of business-to-business (B2B) transactions is currently worth $22 TRILLION.[1]

To streamline this and other forms of digital transactions, there is an increasingly loud call for acceptance of a growing number of currencies, including Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

While many traditional payment processors such as Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and others continue to innovate, they’re all operating on a paradigm that only includes fiat currency.

There’s ONE company making a serious push to be THE global payment rails of ALL digital currencies (like Bitcoin and Etherium): NetCents Technology Inc. (CSE:NC) (OTCQB:NTTCF)

Currently 6% of Small and Medium online businesses already accept payments in digital currencies in the US. Worldwide and 7% of the global population already own digital currencies.[2]

Now with the advent of a Bitcoin [1]rival coming out of China[2] and Facebook’s announcement of its Libra coin, they could drastically increase that percentage very soon. With each additional percentage point that these figures grow, billions of dollars of digital-currency buying power enters the market.

However, before this revolution can happen… someone MUST provide the infrastructure to facilitate it—with the immense reward of capitalizing on EVERY transaction that takes place within its system.

That someone isNetCents Technology Inc.[3] (CSE:NC) (OTCQB:NTTCF).  This under-the-radar company may be making

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