
Immortality, Cryogenics and UBI - How The Crypto Rich Influence Science

The rise of cryptocurrency is changing the philanthropic world by causing the redistribution of wealth from old money to visionary innovators and early tech adopters. The new crypto rich invest their donations by supporting scientific research in groundbreaking fields that may one day enable humanity to cure aging, reverse death and completely change the relationship between work and income.

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The Cryptorati Want to Defeat Aging

Examining the record of donations made by the crypto rich reveals a pattern of support for goals that others may feel belong in the pages of science fiction novels. Having benefited greatly from recognizing the potential of peer to peer electronic cash earlier than the masses, it is no surprise that they have great optimism in the power of technology to radically change our lives for the better.

One of the main benefactors of this type of donation focus is the SENS Research Foundation located in Mountain View, California. The non-profit SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) defines its goal as working to develop, promote, and ensure widespread access to therapies that cure and prevent the diseases and disabilities of aging. Unlike the traditional medical approach of only treating or managing old age problems as they kick in, this approach focuses on comprehensively repairing the damage that builds up in our bodies over time, thus mitigating the aging process as much as possible.

Immortality, Cryogenics and UBI: How The Crypto Rich Influence Science

In the early 2000s, Michael Novogratz donated to the research organization and the Pineapple Fund gave SENS $2 million in BTC last year. Moreover, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin also donated $2.4 million to SENS in 2018 and another $350,000 in January 2019. The regenerative medical therapy organization also

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