
Doing What You Want With Your Money Is a Fundamental Right

Since the birth of Bitcoin, crusaders fighting for the separation of money and state discovered a new payment tool that bypasses the nation state’s control over the monetary system. For over ten years now, lots of people have been using digital currencies to hide from prying eyes of governments in order to free themselves from a system that contributes to insanity.

Also read: How to Create Non-Fungible Assets and Collectible Tokens With Bitcoin Cash

The Separation of Church and State Has Proved Humans Can Remove the Monetary System From State Control

It can take years, decades, and even centuries for humans to realize certain concepts used within society are immoral. Things like genocide, chattel slavery, and religious persecution have all been deemed unethical. Over the last century, throughout a great majority of countries worldwide, the separation of church and state has become the norm. The concept of the separation of church and state started during the Saint Augustine of Hippo era (between 354 – 430 AD). Augustine discussed the subject in the book called “The City of God,” in Chapter 17, and defined the proper roles of religion and country. All the way up until medieval times, most leaders of nations states were kings and were appointed by the church to rule because of an idea called divine right. Things really started heating up in the Western Hemisphere, when citizens from England wanted to escape the church’s state-dominated rule by fleeing to the colonies located in the U.S.

Doing What You Want With Your Money Is a Fundamental Right
John Locke was one of the first to introduce the “enlightenment era” which involved individual sovereign rights and the separation of church and state.

During this period (the 1600s–1720) the political philosopher John Locke established the “enlightenment era,” which initiated

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