
Crypto. A New Paradigm of Privacy and ID

Do you want every person you ever transact with to know how much is in your wallet and your net worth? Of course not. That’s why you need and want to mix your coins to hide where they came from before you use them. The degree of privacy you can expect by default, however, varies significantly depending on whether you are using BCH or BTC.

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How Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Core Stack up for Privacy

The Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchains are public and possible for everyone to read simply by using any block explorer. So if you have 10 BTC and buy something for 1 BTC then the receiver of the 1 BTC can look at the address that the money came from and see that there used to be 10 BTC there. That would let the merchant know that they can probably raise their prices for you specifically for your next purchase and that you’ll comfortably afford and decide to purchase their merchandise anyway. The merchant employees would also learn that you would be a profitable target for robbery and maybe even kidnapping depending on the amounts and what country you live in or visit. One way to avoid revealing this information to the receiver is to mix your coins first.

BCH vs. BTC: Which Offers Greater Privacy?
BCH mixer Cashshuffle

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is better than Bitcoin (BTC) at coin mixing because BCH transaction fees are practically free (less than $0.01 per transaction). The Bitcoin Core scaling roadmap is likely to intentionally cause onchain transaction fees to exceed $30/250 bytes again, just as

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