
Coin 360 Provides Crypto Market Data in Interactive Boxes

Websites dedicated to cryptocurrency data are prone to looking dull and overcrowded with numbers, percentages and charts that may put off newcomers to the space. Platforms such as Coin 360 are more intuitive for users, providing an easy to comprehend visual representation of the current market.

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Website Tracks Cryptocurrencies by Price Change

Coin 360 arranges digital currencies on an interactive map according to the protocol they are based on. Each tracked crypto is displayed in a separate box with its ticker symbol. The size and color of the boxes, green or red, indicate the market share and the 24-hour price change of the respective cryptocurrencies.

When scrolling over a box, another window pops up with additional information about the coin, including a chart, current price and 24-hour volume. The market data is updated every 10 seconds and you can define your own watchlist choosing between 10 and 50 coins or tokens.

Clicking on the box will take you to the dedicated page of the crypto where more detailed charts for different time periods are available. There’s also a brief description of the digital coin and other information such as the circulating and maximum supply.

Coin 360 Provides Color-Based Crypto Market Data

Coin 360 provides a similar set of data for cryptocurrency exchanges as well. Their boxes show the daily trading volume with the 24-hour change. The additional window includes the features and services offered by the trading platform, its fees and the number of supported pairs.

For those who prefer the more traditional look of conventional price and market cap trackers, the website has a table with the top 100 digital currencies by capitalization. It is more dynamic than other platforms as you can

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