
Literally no one knows when Constantinople will hit the mainnet, but it won’t be in November.

The question on the tip of everyone's Twitter feed and reddit thread seems to be, "When can we expect Constantinople?" The assumption underlying this question has often been that someone out there had the answer but just didn't feel like sharing.

However, that was not – and is not – the case. The Ethereum community is all about transparency. So much so that the core developers livestream their meetings. There are countless channels, threads, feeds, chatrooms, and repositories chock-full of conversations, debates, collaborations, and decision-making processes of all sorts.

To be fair, that might be where the confusion stems from: There's so much information out there but a lack of organization. Finding information on Ethereum-related developments is like searching the internet in the 90s before Google. It's impossible.

I have never done so many web searches to find exactly zero results as I have while researching Ethereum, and let me tell you: I am a pretty good Googler. I was raised by my mother, who's been doing SEO since before I hit puberty.

But hey, that's what the media is supposed to do, right? Inform people. Organize information. So here we are, trying.

So! Today there was a core devs meeting that sought to answer everyone's (including the devs themselves) Big Burning Question. But also, and more importantly, the attendees sought answers to the question: "What needs to happen before the Constantinople hard fork?"


The earliest that Constantinople will arrive is January, but further discussion on the topic will be had at the AllCoreDevs meeting scheduled for November 9.

It's not unlikely that the hard fork will come in February, though. Or later. (I see you eyerolling.) March

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