
Bithumb Reveals 11 Cryptocurrencies Lost and Plan to Compensate Customers

South Korean crypto exchange Bithumb has announced the 11 cryptocurrencies stolen in last week’s theft and the amount of each coin missing. A compensation plan has also been unveiled for the equivalent value of the lost coins in an undetermined cryptocurrency.

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Only Half As Much Crypto Missing

Bithumb Reveals 11 Cryptocurrencies Lost and Plan to Compensate CustomersBithumb officially announced Thursday the details of the cryptocurrency theft which it reported on June 20. Since then, the exchange has been cooperating with the authorities to investigate the cause of the theft.

Initially, the exchange estimated that the “damage caused by the cyber-attack was about 35 billion KWR [~US$31 million],” but that amount was revised to “about 19 billion KRW instead [~$17 million]” after undergoing a “continuous recovery process.” The exchange elaborated:

The main reason for the reduction of the damage is due to the ongoing participation, support and cooperation of cryptocurrency exchanges and cryptocurrencies foundations across the world. Also our quick response to the cyber-attack by removing cryptocurrencies from hot wallet to cold wallet effectively contributed to reducing the overall damage.

At the time of this writing, Bithumb is South Korea’s largest crypto exchange with a 24-hour trading volume of $136,432,719, followed by the Kakao-backed Upbit with $110,435,824 trading volume in the same time period, according to Coinmarketcap.

Which Coins Were Stolen?

Bithumb has provided a breakdown of the 11 cryptocurrencies that it claims were stolen. They are BCH, BTC, ELF, ETH, ETHOS, GNT, HSR, KNC, OMG, VEN, and XRP. The largest damage is in BTC, which had about 13.9 billion won (~$12,377,255) stolen. According to Bithumb, the total amount stolen is 18,945,911,857 KRW or $16,892,614.

Bithumb Reveals 11 Cryptocurrencies Lost and Plan to Compensate Customers

Compensation Plan

Bithumb has also revealed its plan to compensate

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