
Bitcoin Cash Researchers Propose a New Transaction Ordering Rule

This week four Bitcoin Cash (BCH) researchers and developers proposed a different transaction sorting process for the BCH protocol called ‘canonical transaction ordering.’ The proposed method would sort transactions against their identifiers, rather than the current topological transaction ordering rule, making it easier to for the network to process very large blocks.

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A New Transaction Ordering Rule Proposed for Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash Researchers Propose a New Transaction Ordering RuleResearcher Joannes Vermorel (Lokad).

Joannes Vermorel (Lokad), Amaury Séchet (Bitcoin ABC), Shammah Chancellor (Bitcoin ABC), and Tomas van der Wansem (Bitcrust) have published a new paper that proposes to change the current topological transaction ordering rule within the BCH network. The paper called ‘Canonical Transaction Ordering for Bitcoin’ argues that a canonical ordering process would be more efficient and allow for better scaling. Currently, consensus rules process transactions in a list form where remote peers forward transactions to their neighbors. The way it works right now the list must be topologically sorted, but if the rule was changed to a canonical method that works with blocks as a set, as opposed to a list, it enables BCH to process very large blocks.

The researchers state that the change makes for some “compelling” use cases.       

“First, it allows to produce compact proofs of transaction inclusion/exclusion, making chainless apps more capable,” explains the paper.  

Second, it gives a newer degree of control to Bitcoin participants to localize their transaction within blocks.

More Efficient Block Propagation and the Possibility of Chainless Apps  

Ultimately the new process would make block propagation and emissions more efficient, explains the proposal. Software implementations are simplified and proofs of transaction inclusion are improved. The researchers

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