
With crypto scams running rampant across the globe, Human Trust Protocol, aka Hub, is joining hands with Civic, a blockchain identification service provider, to verify users via know-your-client (KYC) data gathered from the Civic secure identity platform (SIP). The new project entitled ICO Hub is an algorithmic ICO rating service that adds identity verification as a central rating factor: Hub representatives will now be able to identify ICO project team members and organizers to ensure a platform’s authenticity before investors step in.

Launched by LinkedIn’s original CTO and co-founder Eric Ly, Hub works to establish blockchain histories and reputations by granting users blockchain-specific tokens which they can then add to a platform’s reputation data, thereby building its online market presence.

Civic seeks to grant consumers a say in whether their identities are used in real-time by providing low-cost, on-demand and secure identity verification technology that boosts transparency and legitimacy in the crypto space. Civic uses a decentralized structure with biometrics on mobile devices, and provides multi-factor authentication without usernames, passwords, physical tokens or third-party involvement.

ICO Hub is built on a specific rating system. ICOs will ultimately receive “trust scores” based on the authenticity of their organizers’ claims and users’ outcome predictions.

In a statement, founder and CEO Eric Ly explained, “At Hub, our objective is to help users develop and manage their reputation data and incentivize meaningful and authentic interactions online through our human trust protocol. Civic’s secure and private ecosystem that enables decentralized, reusable KYC is a perfect fit, and gives our protocol users another means to bolster their reputation histories.”

CTO and co-founder of Civic Jonathan Smith told Bitcoin Magazine that the Wall Street Journal recently analyzed over 1,400 digital coin offerings, and found that roughly 20 percent of

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